52 Ancestors Challenge

I’m up for the challenge.  If you review this blog you will see that I am very hit or miss with my postings.  And if I’m honest its more miss than hit.  But this morning while reading the Ancestry.com blog I got kinda excited.  Why?  Because I already started this challenge and didn’t know it!

One of my other passions is Scrapbooking and lately I’ve been creating heritage layouts that include photos and information about my ancestors.  Which is exactly what I need to do with this blog!

So there it is.  I’m going to take on the 52 week challenge but not only am I going to blog about my genealogy pursuits, but I’m going to create scrapbook pages to go along with the blog.  At the end of 2014, I will have shared with my family information about 52 of our shared ancestors (one of the reasons why I blog) and I will have at least a 52 paged heritage scrapbook!

I am not overwhelmed.  I am not overwhelmed.  I am not overwhelmed.


1 thought on 52 Ancestors Challenge

  1. I love it! ( I’m feeling a limitless overwhelmed and I’m not even doing the scrap booking part you are — it takes longer to research and write one each week than I had thought.)

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